Neither of her Grandfather have seen the new baby yet. We thought they might like some more pictures. Note the fuzzy haired picture of her. That is the typical state of her hair.
Also these are as large as they can get so they might be a while to view the full size images. That is if you click on them it might take a while to load the big ones.
Tiny baby!! So cute!
Such a beautiful girl! How do you get anything done (meaning how do you not just sit and look at her)?!! Cute girls, cute family. I know I'm not a Grandpa, but thank you for posting these! :)
So cute! Dallan, that's amazing how you gave the baby your exact haircut. ;) We also love to see Big Sister in the dress we gave her! Keep those pictures coming!
I love the picture of the big sister holding the little sister. Big sister looks so proud. Little sister looks like she would rather be anywhere else
A mom in NE AZ
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