Below are some pictures of Big Sister being the little mom that she is. She helps bathe Baby2 , Calls mommy's sling the "kangaroo pouch" and on her own attepted to get her "binky dolly" into it. I tightened it for her, but the idea was her own. She also has been charged by the diaper for how many diapers we've found around the house after failed attempts to diaper her dolls. Well the last picture was what we thought was a very sucessful diapering! In fact, we may have her doing her sister's diapers pretty soon! :) She's definetly the little mom around here.

I love the one legged doll. And the two dollies laying there look like they could be sisters. How fun.
Number 1 Mom, thanks for your touch to the blog. Number 2 Mom, thanks for the entertainment.
A grand Mom in NE AZ
....especially since there is a baby with long dark hair and one who was mostly hairless for a while. I don't know about being one legged. Numero uno has never had a problem getting around.
Additional thoughts by a grand Mom in NE AZ
DALLIN SIMPER HAS A KID?! That's the scariest thing I've heard in a long time! Hey, what's goin on kid? It's Kristal Hatch from good ole JC! Adorable family! Seriously, how'd YOU pull it off?! Congrats on the sweet baby!
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