Milk, it REALLY does a body good!

First official bath
Baby2 lost her umbilical cord the natural way (in contrast to her sister who kicked her's off on day 4) so at 3 weeks old the last of the cord was gone and she got to finally have a real bath, good buy sponge baths!!

Baby2 is one month old! Time flys so fast. She's bigger and stronger every day and big sister loves her to pieces.

Thanks Auntie!

It was an incredible task to find crib bedding that coordinated with big sister's bed, and thanks to their wonderful aunt the perfect bedding was found. Their room is full of pinks and greens now and the crib finally feels complete.
Good pictures. This is really a fun way to see what numero dos looks like. Such hair and alert eyes. She's going to be keeping up with numero uno.
A mom in NE AZ
Yay mommy! We're loving the pictures here in MA, and awaiting the arrival of family on Friday- looking forward to seeing you in a few months! Did you get the baby present we sent?
Oh my goodness! They just get cuter and cuter! I didnt think it was possible. Sweet Baby #2 looks an awful lot like her daddy! :)
--one of those crazy friends from the hometown of daddy
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